Nasty Dog Respiratory Issue Spreading Across The Country

Please Feel Free To Share: So a lot of you know, but I didn't want to risk someone not knowing, so please feel free to share. We have had at least one Bulldog friend struggling with this... I’m not a vet but I do want to get the word out there to the bulldog community regarding this respiratory issue that is sweeping across our country, especially since short-nosed bulldog breeds are more vulnerable to respiratory issues. I just want to advise you guys to PLAY IT SAFE! Vets still can’t determine if this is spreading by air, physical contact or by fungus. That’s what is making this so dangerous and hard to treat. * Please make sure your pets are updated on their vaccinations. * DO NOT allow your pet to use community water/food dishes, AVOID dog parks and large gatherings of dogs, if your pet goes to dog boarding over the holidays keep them at home for TWO weeks to watch for symptoms. * Be careful with dog outings and daycare. * Symptoms include: coughing runny nose, green discharge, eye and nose discharge - cough starts like kennel cough but leads to pneumonia which can be deadly. * If you have more than one dog and one starts showing symptoms, separating them as soon as possible is the best option. * PLEASE SPEAK WITH YOUR LOCAL VETS ON THIS MATTER! * High traffic areas, sharing food and water are major spreading reasons just like in humans. Just wanted to get the word out to all you bulldog lovers to protect your babies and be extra cautious. Mike